Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sri Aurobindo put forward a new way of life beyond any existing religion

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

[PDF] Sri Aurobindo as a Patriotic Poet

AN Dwivedi - NEW RACE, 2023
… But the prosecution failed, and Sri Aurobindo was acquitted. … The Congress was adjourned and the Nationalists met separately under the chairmanship of Sri Aurobindo. The popular support extended to Sri Aurobindo and Tilak infuriated the …

[PDF] Agni: The Eternal Flame Guiding Indian Life and Spirituality

V Vijay - Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research, 2023
… Sri Aurobindo expounded upon the significance of Agni in his work ”The Secret of the Veda” [11]. According to Maharshi Aurobindo, Agni holds a prominent place in Vedic hymns and is a Vedic deity symbolizing fire as a multifaceted aspect of divine …

[PDF] Karmayoga Analysed through Spinoza's Perspective on 'Eternity'and Bergson's 'Élan Vital'

SR Bhandari - OUSL Journal, 2023
This study aims to unveil the dimensions of karmayoga on duty and action exposed in the Bhagavad Gita from the philosophical perspective of eternity postulated by Spinoza and the concept of élan vital (the vital force or impulse of life) propounded …

Psychology: The 'Scientific'Study of Subjective Experience

B Patnaik - Psychological Studies, 2023
The discipline of psychology has certain inherent features that render the possibility of inclusion or integration of Indian thoughts regarding human subjective experience at a disadvantage vis- a- vis what is termed as ‘modern’ Psychology. Like many …

[PDF] Satisfaction and representations of raw earth habitat: a case study of Auroville, India

N Kebaili, S Mohamed, Y Kehila, R Bensalem - Journal of Asian Architecture and …, 2023
… Villagers around Auroville burn about 100 tons of wood for 250,000 fired-bricks. However, … CSEB housing exhibits a diverse range of architectural styles in Auroville, including collective … As shown in Table 1 CSEB housing constitutes only …

The Metaphysics of Meditation: Sri Aurobindo and Adi-Sakara on the Isa Upanisad

S Phillips - 2024

British Translators, Bhagat Singh, and 'Atheism': How 'Reverse Translation'Alters the Meaning of Philosophical Concepts

R Vanita - Language Ideologies and the Vernacular in Colonial …, 2023
This chapter begins an enquiry into the impact of what I term ‘reverse translation’. A philosophical concept, such as dharma, is repeatedly translated into English, using terms from a Judeo-Christian lexicon, such as religion, and then the English word is … 

Tagore and Androgyny: The Politics of an Accommodative India

C Choudhury, AK Rath - South Asian Review, 2023
Tagore reinstalled the homology between androgyny and Indianness challenging the hyper-masculine politics practiced by colonialism and the extremist strand of nationalism. This article reads that Tagore challenged nationalist masculinity and …

[PDF] Bharat's unseen patriots: Igniting flame of nationalism and brave tales of sacrifice to secure India's Independence

Z Zoariah - Firstpost, 2023
… The truth remains unshaken, witnessed by the names etched in history’s annals – Vasudev Balwant Phadke, the Chapekar Brothers, Lokmanya Tilak, Aurobindo Ghose, and more. A tapestry of moderates and extremists, all threads woven from …
… Sri Aurobindo ignited the mind of the devotee by defining consciousness as the ‘unity of existence far beyond the ignorance and the lower nature of the living beings. Then he continued, Indian consciousness is essentially spiritual in nature which …

Peace Education and Integral Ecology: Inspiration in Piaget at the Legacy of Pierre Weil

MA Ribeiro - The Transnational Legacy of Jean Piaget: A View from …, 2023
… I used to participate in world federalist movements and I had translated a “Constitution for the Federation of Planet Earth” published by a press in Auroville, an international city created in South India and inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s political and social …

Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville Experiment

SA Clarence-Smith - 2023
… This book examines Auroville, the largest, most diverse and long-standing intentional community in the world, … , Auroville uniquely draws on spiritual ideals to enact a prefigurative utopian practice applicable to all aspects of human society; …

When I drove from Paris to #Auroville at the tender age of 19, I met the Mother of Pondicherry, who was Sri Aurobindo's spiritual companion & continued his work after his passing away? That encounter changed my life:

Sri Aurobindo's singular retelling of a Vedic myth, Savitri, must be noted. Not book-length, but W.S. Merwin's long narrative poem "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" -- a retelling if a northern European folktale rooted in the Cupid & Psyche myth -- looms large in my literary universe. Also, his book-length The Folded Cliffs merits notice.

Australian poet Francis Brabazon's Stay With God (1958) is also worth mention -- though it's in several sections, each of which is a long poem.

There's also Alice Notley's Descent of Alette (1992).

I had the honor of presenting a paper at the recent conference titled Sustainability and Contemplative Civilization: The Integral Vision of Sri Aurobindo which was held at the California Institute of Integral Studies where I teach and study. #sriaurobindo…

Explore the profound symbolism of the Mother symbol in Auroville with Jorel Jaya Berggreen-Clausen. Discover the divine consciousness, four aspects, and 12 qualities. Dive deeper into the full talk here:…


Mātṛ Śakti - The force that runs the world. 

Sri Aurobindo gives us the 4 aspects of the Divine Mother - Māheśvarī, Mahālakṣmī, Mahāsarasvatī, Mahākālī. 

Watch the first episode of Bodha here:

Shri @Roddam_Ram ji, in conversation with @anviksiki, opens up our vision to understand what we must become to be an ādhāra for this Śakti to manifest in and through us.

Let us reflect on the higher realms in this auspicious time.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

#brhat #bodha

It is really incredible that modernI ndia's greatest thinker, #SriAurobindo, is not better known. Yes, some know his nationalism, perhaps his Uttarpara speech, but that has little to do with his philosophy. He put forward a new way of life, beyond any existing religion.

Sri Aurobindo did not differentiate between people on the basis of religion.


Experiences during author’s recent visit to Omkareshwar  by Dr Sampananda Mishra… @Sampadananda @MPTourism @PS_MPTourism @sriaurobindo @Sriaurobindo150 @monikahalan

A monthly tax has been imposed on some residents of Auroville which seems to be an arbitrary measure. Administration should inform the public about the rationale of its actions in view of international ramifications. Further, reputations of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is involved.